วันศุกร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

a rabbit and a dog

The rabbit of categorize in a backbone and it was a Mammal, as Leporidao. The rabbit had a small body size , feather fluffy , long bow tie, it met several else the world, and had seven lineage in The rabbit. But met in the forest in Thailand had one kind was a hare [ Lepus pequensis ]. So, it had brown feather and to bring feed in the house had diverse feed and several color for example , the kind of Orytolayus cumiclus. My house had the rabbit a breed of American Fuzzy Lop is the small The rabbit [ Compact Type ] and in the group dwarf of the rabbit. It had a specific characteristic and an essentiality is had flail ears beautiful and feather is very long sleek , a body of brief.
So, who would like to feed the rabbit have to learn the mood and living standard of the rabbit . The same my sister was the rabbit. She always brought many of cut the rabbit. She had the rabbit around 7-8 the rabbit. I don’t know why I don’t love them and don’t like very much. I never play with them or stoke them and I never the handles to touch it. When my sister arks me about the rabbit I always said I don’t know and she always said the rabbit it so cute and very lovely. I never help her make decision. Mt family was very like the rabbit except me I think, I didn’t like when the rabbit took a poop and defecate and urinate. It was very bad smell. Everybody know I didn’t like the rabbit I and my friends were very like to shopping at JJ market. When we pass animal zone my friends very to watch the rabbit and animals each and always ark me is it cute. And I always reply yes immediately and walked very fast to them another zone. Because it was dirty and bad smell.

Next I must to stay at condominium only one. Because my family lived in province of Chachoengsao. And I must to study in Bangkok. I feel very lonely. I always talk with my friends by the phone all the time. My mother told me to buy some animal com feed. Sure I said no, but my mother talked every day that she want to buy a cute dog to me and she said a dog will be a good friend for me. I think about my mother word and told with my self that it’s ok. I will try. The day after I call to my mother and accept her, she was very happy that I was a bit feeling to love the dog. She brought a very small dog. It was a cute, it was a female. And was a breed of Shih Su. And my mother brought every thing about the dog for me and the taught me the way to look after my dog , and I give a name to “ Pizza” . The first day, it was very hard for me I must to woke up very early because I must to feed a dog and clean up my room I always taught my dog to take a poop at his place . If he do something wrong I will punish him. But if he does anything that taught I always give some special food.
